First aid for kids


The image depicts a teacher standing at the front of a classroom, engaging with a group of students seated at desks. The teacher, holding a folder or book, is presenting information displayed on a large screen or whiteboard. The screen features an instructional diagram illustrating the "Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift" technique for unblocking airways, with labeled images showing "Shut Airway" and "Open Airway." The students appear attentive, and classroom elements such as books, backpacks, and a window provide a structured learning environment. This scene reflects a teaching session focused on first aid or rescue skills.
Offer impactful injury prevention programs for grades 4-8 with Safe Sitter®. Teach students essential safety skills, first aid, and child care techniques through courses like Safe@Home and Safe Sitter® Essentials. Expand community outreach with medically accurate, interactive programs that reduce injuries and prepare children for responsibilities at home and beyond.
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A young woman wearing bright blue scrubs smiles warmly while standing in a doorway. She holds one of the glass door handles open, welcomingly. Her dark hair is styled in a high ponytail, and the background appears to be a professional or clinical setting, with frosted glass panels visible behind her.
As a school nurse, you are uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between health care and education, empowering students with critical life skills. Programs like Safe@Home and Safe Sitter® Essentials provide turn-key solutions to help students stay safe and healthy. These programs teach essential safety, first aid, and child care skills, preparing students for real-world...
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