Providing life skills, safety skills, and child care training in order to build safer communities.
Do you leave your older child home to watch a younger brother or sister? Sibling babysitting can be a great way to help an older child handle more responsibility and develop confidence, but it could be a disaster in the making if handled badly. As a parent, you can do a lot to enable your older child to succeed at being left in charge.
To begin with, enroll your older child in a babysitting course. At Safe Sitter®, many of the children that take our classes don’t regularly babysit outside the home. However, watching younger brothers and sisters is still babysitting, and your older child could really benefit from learning techniques for handling problem behavior, along with injury prevention, safety skills, and first aid.
Finally, remember that your older child shouldn’t be expected to cancel their own plans to babysit. Remember that every sitter has the right to decline a job.