September 2016


An empty classroom with rows of wooden desks and chairs facing a large green chalkboard, which is partially erased. A teacher's desk and chair are positioned at the front of the room.
The new school year means new school supplies and a fresh start to getting organized. Starting with an organized plan can make a difference - stick with it and you’ll not only have a better handle on what’s coming and going, you’ll also help your child develop lifelong habits!
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Your child may grow up in a world of emoticons and emojis, but helping him read good old-fashioned words is the single most important thing you can do to help him succeed in school.
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Do you leave your older child home to watch a younger brother or sister? Sibling babysitting can be a great way to help an older child handle more responsibility and develop confidence, but it could be a disaster in the making if handled badly.
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A caregiver sits on the floor with two young children, playing with colorful number and letter blocks in a playroom filled with toys and shelves.
So your spouse has just mentioned that the two of you are expected to attend the annual company awards dinner, and by the way, it’s this Friday. But there’s no reason to panic. At some point, every parent realizes they need a babysitter.
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