April 2017


It’s natural to feel a certain level of anxiety when entrusting a babysitter with your children’s care. There are five easy, but essential, things you should do before you leave that will increase both the safety of your children and your sitter as well as your peace of mind.
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If you’re a mom, chances are that you have at least one picky eater in the house. If you’re struggling with picky eaters, here are four tips that have helped Safe Sitter® moms keep their sanity!
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A professional video camera records an interview in a library setting, capturing a blurred person seated in the background while the camera’s screens display a clearer view of the subject.
It might seem intimidating to receive a request for a television or newspaper interview to discuss your Safe Sitter® program, but don’t worry! Here are some tips for working with the media.
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Renea Pinney knew her 11-year-old daughter, Presly, would not willingly sign up for a babysitting class. So, she made her go. That decision, a case of “mother’s intuition”, helped save the life of her other daughter.
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girlscout- safe sitter
As a Girl Scout and Safe Sitter® one could say Gabby Bullock was doubly prepared to deal with an emergency. She was excited to babysit and loved being a big sister after being the only child for years. However, she didn’t have to use what she’d learned to help a younger sibling. She actually had...
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One of the most practical things that Safe Sitter® teaches is how to deal with difficult behavior. That’s indispensable information for babysitters and parents alike! Here are some go-to strategies to use when the going gets tough.
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