July 2023


A group of four teenagers sitting at a wooden table in a library, using tablets together and engaging in a collaborative learning activity.
Safe Sitter® goes beyond teaching babysitting skills—it fosters Positive Youth Development (PYD) through a philosophy centered on caring, character, competence, confidence, connection, and contribution. Designed to empower young teens, Safe Sitter® equips students with life-saving first aid, behavior management techniques, and the tools to succeed as responsible caregivers. Discover how Safe Sitter® aligns with PYD...
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A female teacher in a navy blazer and glasses welcomes a group of young students with backpacks into a modern library with bookshelves and computers.
Libraries play a vital role in supporting their communities, and Safe Sitter® programs can enhance that impact by offering essential life skills education. Equip students in grades 4-6 with home-alone safety skills through Safe@Home or introduce middle schoolers to child care basics with Intro to Safe Babysitting. Comprehensive programs like Safe Sitter® Essentials prepare teens...
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