
6 Reasons You Should Teach Safe@Home

Safe@Home is a 90-minute program from Safe Sitter, Inc. that prepares students in grades 4-6 to be safe when they are home alone. The curriculum contains content from the safety skills module of the Safe Sitter® course as well as an adapted First Aid Chart. If you have not yet added this program to your class offerings, here are six reasons you should start teaching Safe@Home to students in your community!

  1. All children need a home alone safety course.
    Every student needs to know how to stay safe when they are home alone. While Safe Sitter® teaches these skills, many students do not register for the class because they don’t have an interest in learning babysitting safety. Safe@Home allows you to build safer communities by ensuring all children have the skills they need to take care of themselves and prevent injuries when home alone.
  2. It’s a feeder program for Safe Sitter® classes.
    Safe@Home is a natural feeder for the Safe Sitter® classes you are already offering. The program encourages students interested in babysitting or watching younger siblings to complete a Safe Sitter® class. You will have the opportunity to invite students to return to your facility for a Safe Sitter® class and share upcoming class dates with their parents.
  3. It’s a recruitment tool for other programs.
    Any opportunity to invite students to your facility allows you to cross promote other programs and services that you offer. In addition, you’ll have contact information for parents so that you can invite them to sign up their child for a Safe Sitter® class in the future.
  4. The 90-minute curriculum allows for multiple classes in a day.
    Because the program is only 90 minutes long, program directors love that they can hold multiple Safe@Home classes in one day, maximizing a room reservation and staff availability. If you’d like to offer Safe@Home in organizations and schools in your community and don’t know where to start, download our letter template to help you introduce yourself and the program.
  5. Teach larger classes.
    Safe@Home classes do not have a required student to Instructor ratio. Though we recommend no more than 30 students in a class, facilitators can cap enrollment at their own comfort level and do not need to follow a specific ratio as they do in the Safe Sitter® classes.
  6. Safe Sitter® Instructor training is NOT required.
    Any adult that enjoys teaching preteens can teach Safe@Home. Facilitators do not need to be a Safe Sitter® Instructor. The Facilitator Guide is written as a script so that anyone leading a group of students through the program simply needs to read through the guide and practice the program before teaching. It’s that easy!

Order Safe@Home and continue to equip the younger members of your community with the skills they need to stay safe!

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