Babysitting for Bad Parents

Babysitting isn’t just about taking care of kids – sometimes, the parents are the real challenge! Learn how to handle arguing parents, parents who drink too much, and those who make you uncomfortable.

Video Transcript

Fellow babysitters, you know that babysitting just might be the toughest job in the world. We deal with fights, temper tantrums… and I haven’t even gotten to the kids yet!

That’s right. Surprise, surprise. Sometimes parents behave badly. So I’m going to give you some advice on dealing with the REAL moms and dads of babysitting.

First, moms and dads who fight.

Look, people who live together have arguments. Should they have said argument in front of you? No. But it happens. So if it happens at the beginning of the job, busy yourself with the children in another room, as long as there’s no physical violence. If the fight gets physical, call 9-1-1.

On the other hand, if they are arguing at the end of the night, excuse yourself politely even if you have to interrupt them.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I need to get home. The total for tonight is $35. Can you Venmo me?”

Another awkward situation is parents who have had a little too much to drink. If they come home slurring their words or walking unsteady, that’s your cue to leave ASAP.

“I’ve got to get home. I’ll text you the total for tonight and you can Venmo me.”

Never get into a car with someone who’s been drinking. If the parent was supposed to drive you home, call or text your parent to come pick you up immediately; you’ll explain later. “I need to be picked up now.”

This brings us to another uncomfortable topic. Parents who make you uncomfortable.

Parents are your employers, and employers who are handsy, touch-feely, or just plain creepy should be avoided. Period. But what about a well-meaning dad that just likes to give hugs? A huggy dad – or mom for that matter – may be super-nice, but if you’re not an equally huggy person who actually wants to be hugged by them, it’s not a good fit. And parents who ignore your personal space and cross appropriate boundaries – even if they are well-meaning – are not employers that you want to work for. Don’t babysit for them.

Finally, this should go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway: if something happens that gives you a bad or uneasy feeling — trust your gut and get away from that person. Immediately. Don’t worry about hurting their feelings; just say “I don’t feel well” and call your parents to come pick you up immediately. You should never stay in a situation where you don’t feel safe.

So screen your job offers and only work for employers who are grown-ups – and act like it! If you have a bad experience on a job, politely decline the job next time. “Same time next Saturday?”“I can’t; sorry.”

You don’t even have to tell them why. I know, it might feel really satisfying: “Every time I come over, you’re so busy arguing about where you’re going for date night, you don’t have time to tell me whether the kids ate dinner or remind me what time their bedtime is.”

But don’t make it weird. Just say, ‘I’m sorry; I can’t.’

I hope this has been helpful, babysitters! Badly behaved parents can be a lot to handle; just remember to keep your cool. If you have more questions about dealing with the REAL moms and dads of babysitting, put them in the comments below. We might even feature your question in a future episode!


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