Is Your Child Ready?

Safe Sitter® > Is Your Child Ready?

Is Your Child Ready to Babysit?

A Checklist to Help You Decide

Age isn’t what determines whether your child can handle the responsibility of babysitting—their stage of development does. Use this checklist to determine if your child is ready to babysit, or if a babysitting course like Safe Sitter® would help prepare them.


  • Does my child know what to do to keep herself and younger children safe?
  • Does my child know how to handle common household emergencies, such as weather warnings or power outages?
  • Would my child feel comfortable at someone else’s home alone after dark with no adults present?


  • Does my child enjoy being around younger children?
  • Does my child have the patience and maturity to stay in control of herself during challenging situations, such as handling a toddler who is throwing a tantrum?


  • Does my child understand the responsibilities of caring for younger children, including handling illnesses or injuries?
  • Does my child know how to rescue a choking child?
  • Is my child able to handle a life-threatening emergency (i.e. know when and how to call 9-1-1)?


  • Is my child able to listen to and follow instructions?
  • Is my child comfortable talking to adults?
  • Is my child able to advocate for herself?
  • Does my child know her own limits, and will she call for help if needed?

Safe Sitter® Classes

Is your child ready to stay home alone, watch younger brothers and sisters while you’re away from the house, or babysit for younger children? Then maybe it’s time for Safe Sitter®. Safe Sitter® is for boys and girls in grades 6-8 who are ready to learn the skills they need to care for themselves and younger children.

Safe Sitter® teaches young teens how to practice important safety skills, how to handle emergencies, and how to treat illnesses and injuries. Some classes even teach CPR. In addition, students learn important business skills, such as how to screen jobs, set a wage, and work with employers.

Safe@Home Classes

If your child is not quite ready for the responsibility of babysitting but is interested in staying home alone, Safe@Home is the perfect program. Safe@Home will teach your child how to stay safe when they are home alone for short periods of time. They will learn what to do if there is a power failure, weather emergency, or get a nose bleed. After they are comfortable staying home alone, then they can sign up for Safe Sitter®!

Find a class near you

A Safe Sitter® instructor in a blue uniform leading a class of young students, holding a teaching guide about child development stages.

Safe Sitter® Essentials and Safe@Home classes are offered by certified Safe Sitter® Instructors across the United States. Use the Find a Class feature on our website to connect with Instructors in your area.

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Young girl taking a virtual Safe Sitter course

Safe Sitter® Essentials and Safe@Home is available as a virtual class for interested students. All virtual classes are led by certified Safe Sitter® Instructors and completed using a virtual meeting software program.

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