Providing life skills, safety skills, and child care training in order to build safer communities.
Safe Sitter® classes are offered by certified Safe Sitter® Instructors across the country. Completing this class will satisfy some badge requirements for both the Babysitting Badge and the First Aid Badge. You can find Safe Sitter® Providers near you by visiting the Find a Class feature on our website.
Contact your preferred Provider and register interested Girl Scout Cadettes for an upcoming class. If you have a large troop, ask the Provider if they would consider scheduling a private class for your group. Please note that Safe Sitter® Providers set and collect their student fees independent of Safe Sitter, Inc. National Headquarters.
If you cannot find a Safe Sitter® class near you or the class is not affordable for your troop, consider offering Intro to Safe Babysitting by Safe Sitter®. Intro to Safe Babysitting contains the child care portion of our comprehensive Safe Sitter® course and can be facilitated by a troop leader or parent volunteer. Additionally, completing Intro to Safe Babysitting will satisfy some requirements of the Babysitting Badge.
Troop leaders that register as a Safe Sitter® Provider have even more flexibility to help Girl Scout Cadettes earn their Babysitting Badge. This option is ideal for troop leaders that plan on holding classes on an annual basis. As a Safe Sitter® Provider, you set and collect your fees ensuring that classes remain affordable for Cadettes.
It is easy and affordable to partner with Safe Sitter® to teach babysitting classes. There is no registration fee; instead, purchase course materials ($249 for Safe Sitter® Essentials) and register for Instructor training ($199/person). Each student is required to have a Student Handbook ($18) which includes a completion card. Learn more about the supplies you need to teach Safe Sitter®!
To complete Safe Sitter® Instructor training, you need to be certified in CPR (you do not need to be a CPR Instructor) and have access to infant and child CPR manikins. As a Safe Sitter® Provider, you set and collect all course fees and manage registration for your classes considering supplies, orders, Instructor costs, and income level of the community served. To get started as an Instructor, complete the Safe Sitter® Application.