Entertaining Infants

Infants have short attention spans and are frequently interested in a toy or activity for only a few minutes at a time. Be patient with infants. Do not expect more than they are capable of.

6 Months to 1 Year

  • Play games where infant drops object and you pick it up. Make sure object is not breakable.
  • Play nursery games like Peek-a-Boo and Patty-Cake.
  • Play Hide-and-Seek with objects.
  • Walk around the house looking at and naming things.
  • Roll a ball to infant.
  • Take stroller ride if weather is nice.

5 Things to Remember

  1. Infants depend completely on you.
  2. Infants have short attention spans.
  3. Infants require constant watching.
  4. Infants like soft noises.
  5. Infants like being walked and talked to.

Learn More

Learn more about entertaining infants in a Safe Sitter® class. Visit Find A Class to connect with Instructors in your area or register for a virtual class.