Providing life skills, safety skills, and child care training in order to build safer communities.
When people are looking for jobs, they are often asked to submit a resume. A resume is a summary of your education, qualifications, and accomplishments.
You can create a babysitting resume easily with our resume tool. The resume tool allows you to upload a picture and include information about your education and experience.
To get started, download the resume template and follow the directions on the template. You will need to use a computer to upload a picture to the resume and save it for future use. Fields with a red box are required. After completing the resume, you can save it to your computer and print paper copies.
Adobe PDF Reader is required to use the template and it is a free program. If you do not have it on your computer, ask your parent to help you download it by visiting https://get.adobe.com/reader/.
If you have completed a Safe Sitter® course, download the Babysitting Resume for Safe Sitter® Graduates and Babysitting Resume Directions.
If you have completed another babysitting program or a CPR class, download the Babysitting Resume for Other Programs and Babysitting Resume Directions.
If you haven’t take a babysitting safety course, register for a Safe Sitter® class and learn the safety, child care, first aid, and business skills you need to be a successful babysitter.
It may be tempting to create your resume, print it, and hand it out to everyone you see or have your parent share it on social media. STOP! DO NOT DO THIS!
Your resume contains personal information such as your name, phone number, and where you attend school. It is important that you only distribute that information to people you or your family knows personally.
Here are things you can do with your resume:
When you are offered a babysitting job, you need to screen each job. You need to get specific information from the employer about the job and ask yourself some questions to help you decide if you will accept the job.
Information you need from the employer when they contact you to babysit include:
Questions for you and your parent to decide if you will accept the job:
Once you decide if you can take the job, contact the employer and let them know. If you cannot accept the job but would like an opportunity to babysit for the family in the future, be sure to let them know.