Providing life skills, safety skills, and child care training in order to build safer communities.
When I started babysitting, I had tons of questions. I needed to know how much to charge, how to handle kids that were fighting, and what to do if there is a weather emergency. There is a lot to know to be a good babysitter.
I imagine parents have a few questions about hiring a babysitter as well. Like, what does their babysitter expect from them? After all, this babysitting thing is new for them too! Do you think they know how important it is to let the kids know that I’m in charge when they’re gone? And what about feeding me? Babysitting is a lot of work and can make a girl hungry!
Parents, I want to help you out so that you can be the best family to babysit for in the neighborhood.
Parents, on behalf of babysitters everywhere, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. We babysitters … we talk. And we’ve been known to say, Oh, you don’t want to babysit for the Nelsons. That’s a nightmare of a job!
Now, if you don’t want to end up like the Nelsons, then listen carefully because I’m going to tell you the five things your babysitter really wants you to know.
Number one. Pay me. Like with real money. Babysitting is a lot of work, and we have an agreement. I take care of your children for a specified period of time, and you pay me. Cash works. Or even a bank transfer, like Chase Pay. Hey! I’ll even take a check! Do people really still use those?
But if you come home and tell me I’m sorry that you don’t have any money, you’ll have to pay me later. That sounds a lot like fraud. Pay your babysitter.
Number two. Tell your kids that I’m in charge when I’m babysitting. When you’re gone, I’m the substitute parent and I take that responsibility seriously. But it’s a lot harder to maintain control when you’ve got little kids screaming, You’re not my mom!
Number three. Make sure there’s food in the house. If I’m babysitting over a mealtime, I’m responsible for feeding your children. So please, have food for me to feed them.
Um … your mom left some pickles for lunch.
And while you’re at it, it would be really nice if you had something grown-up for me to eat as well. I mean, I’m a big fan of GoGo Applesauce and Goldfish, but they don’t quite fill me up.
Number four. Be home. On time. Believe me, I have things to do. Even if I’m going to go home and sleep.
Number five. Don’t expect me to clean your house. Do I look like a maid? Seriously, a good babysitter picks up after herself and make sure that messes made by the kids get cleaned up as well. But a babysitter’s job is to take care of your kids, not do your dirty dishes.
There you have it. The five things your babysitter wants you to know. It’s not hard, so don’t be that family.