Babysitting with Pets

Babysitting isn’t just about taking care of kids – sometimes, the parents are the real challenge! Learn how to handle arguing parents, parents who drink too much, and those who make you uncomfortable.

Video Transcript

Hey babysitters! Good to see you. Today I’m here with my friend Max to talk about babysitting when pets are around.

I love animals! I have pets at home, and I love to babysit at homes that also have pets. But before you take a job around pets, there are some things you should think about.

1: Are you allergic to the animal?

Are you allergic to the animal? If the answer is yes, stop right there. Do not take the job, do not pass go and collect your money, just NO. Accepting a job when you are allergic to something in the house is a recipe for a disastrous evening. It doesn’t matter how much you love the animal or even if the animal will be kept in a separate area of the house while you’re there. Trust me, the only thing worse than having to spend the night miserable with itchy watery eyes and a runny nose is having to call the parents to come home halfway through their meal at the restaurant because you’re wheezing so bad you can hardly breathe. Don’t take chances.

2: Are you afraid of the animal?

Are you afraid of the animal? It’s understandable if you’re uncomfortable around certain animals or if you’re afraid of being bitten, scratched, or even barked at. And some animals can be aggressive toward strangers or new people who are in their territory. If you’re afraid of the animal the family keeps as a pet, or if you know the animal has had some aggressive behavior in the past, you should turn the job down. You need to be both safe and comfortable when you’re at a babysitting job. If big dogs scare you, you shouldn’t babysit in a house with a big dog. If cats have you running for the door, don’t babysit for families that have cats. Remember, you’re the substitute parent when you’re babysitting. You’re going to have a hard time doing that if you can’t be in the same room as the family pet.

3: Will you need to care for the pet?

Will you need to take care of the pet while you’re there? In other words, will the parents want you to feed the pet, take the pet outside for a bathroom break, or any other duties? As a general rule, you’re there to care for the children and keep them safe. Caring for the pet might distract you or take you away from your responsibilities, so any pet-related duties should be kept to a minimum.

Now let’s talk about some pet safety.

  • Always leave family pets alone, especially when they’re eating sleeping, or caring for their puppies or kittens.
  • Let unfamiliar pets see you and sniff you before you pet them.
  • Don’t attempt to take food away from pets, since they may get aggressive.
  • And finally, supervise children at all times around family pets.

If something should go wrong and a child you’re babysitting is bitten or scratched by a family pet, call the parent immediately. The child will need the area washed with soap and water, and if the skin is broken, the child should see a doctor.

Whew, that’s a lot of think about. Maybe I’ll just stick to babysitting jobs where the family pet is a goldfish!

That’s all for today. Check out more #babysitterboss videos and find out what to do when things go wrong.

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