I’m not easily embarrassed. Or I wasn’t until I started babysitting. Because let’s be honest, kids can be brutally honest. Or… just… brutal.
- “You have a pimple on your nose”
- “My mom has bigger boobs than you.”
- “I found this in your purse.”
- “My daddy got fired today.”
- “My mommy likes to drink wine.”
Welcome, Babysitters, to cringeworthy moments in babysitting.
Babysitting involves kids, and kids are unpredictable. They’re curious, they repeat what they hear adults say, and they have no filter. As a babysitter, you will suffer from firsthand embarrassment, second-hand embarrassment, and Code Red – I-will-never-be-able-to-make-eye-contact-with-this-child’s-parents-again embarrassment.
The great thing is: it’s all normal! Telling you about their poop? Normal. Repeating language they heard their parents use? Normal. Sharing awkward things about the way you look? Normal.
Don’t get salty. Don’t gasp, express horror, become angry at them, or shame them. Young kids are in the process of learning what’s private, what’s appropriate to share with family, and what’s appropriate to share with others, and they should never be made to feel ashamed.
So how do you handle these situations?
- Let’s start with kids who have potty accidents or wet the bed: Accidents happen. Help prevent accidents by reminding kids to use the bathroom regularly and especially before they go to bed. When accidents do happen, help them change into dry clothes, and change the sheets if necessary. And don’t tease them about the accident. That’s not cool.
- What about kids over-sharing about private bodily functions?: Yes, most kids think burping and farting are funny. If they are doing it to get a reaction out of you, your best move is to not give them the reaction they’re looking for. But if they are telling you about their poop because they are new to potty-training, celebrate their potty training accomplishment with a “Good job” and then change the subject.
- What about kids sharing private family info?: React nonchalantly if a child shares something private about the family, and keep that information private. For one thing, it might not be true. Misunderstandings are common when children overhear their parents talking. Also, even if true, the Smiths might not be ready for the rest of the world to know that they’re having another baby, divorcing, or hate their neighbors.
- Next up are kids who comment on the way you look: I’m going to be honest, whatever child tells me I’m pretty instantly becomes my favorite child. But more often than not, kids will point out things about you or your body that you would rather not talk about. Practice saying this: “It’s not polite to talk about people’s – insert body part here – butts, nose, pimples, etc.”
- Finally, kids who use language they shouldn’t: this might be a curse word, an insult, or an adult phrase that doesn’t mean what they think it means. If a child says a swear word or crass insult while you’re babysitting, the best thing to do is say calmly but firmly, “That word is hurtful. We don’t say that.” Please don’t laugh or giggle, and for the love of all that is good in this world, do not pull out your phone and ask them to repeat it so you can get it on video! This is your job; not your chance to go viral on TikTok. Lastly, sometimes kids hear things wrong. If a child uses a word or phrase that doesn’t mean what they think it means, take a cue from Google and calmly suggest what you think they meant to say.
That’s all for now. And oh yeah, keep your purse or backpack out of their reach. You’ve got private stuff in there!