March 2019


A young babysitter in a navy sweater smiles warmly while engaging with a little boy playing with a toy, sitting together near a window with a pink orchid plant.
Watching younger brothers and sisters is still babysitting and can be the hardest babysitting job of all! Find out 4 ways to make it enjoyable...or at least bearable.
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A confident young babysitter wearing a camouflage jacket and pink shirt sits at a marble kitchen counter, smiling at the camera.
You've been offered a babysitting job and you're excited but what do you need to know before you say, "Yes!" to the job offer? Find out important questions to ask and must-have information to gather.
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A young girl in a red striped shirt lays on the floor making a scrunched-up face, while another child in a blue dress sits nearby with toys. A babysitter observes from a chair in the background.
What do you do when the toddler you are babysitting refuses to have their diaper changed or won't go to bed? Find out how to keep your cool during a temper tantrum.
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A young babysitter in a blue polka-dot shirt practices changing a diaper on a baby doll while kneeling on the floor in a living room.
Changing a diaper might be smelly, but it's actually pretty easy. Just ignore the smell and focus on these 10 steps. You've got this!
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