July 2019


A babysitter in a blue shirt makes a disgusted face while assisting a young child in the bathroom, with playful emoji graphics covering the mess.
As the babysitter, you have to deal with it and deal with it fast. Check out this video to learn the 2-round clean-up process you’ll NEED to know.
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A babysitter in a blue shirt kneels at the front door, smiling warmly as two young children greet her while a parent stands nearby.
You can choose to be bossy and hope for the best (and probably be pretty miserable) or you can be a babysitter that kids love and listen to.
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A babysitter in a navy jacket supports a sick child leaning over a bathtub, gently patting their back with a concerned expression.
It’s gross. I’m not going to pretend that it’s a pleasant experience. But if it happens while you’re babysitting, you need to know what to do.
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A babysitter in a purple shirt sits in a playroom with a neutral expression as two children argue over a toy, pulling it in opposite directions.
To learn some effective tactics to try the next time you’re babysitting siblings who are always fighting, check out this video.
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